The MogulTool Story

I made my first investment in real estate as a sophomore cadet at the U.S. Air Force Academy. A few of my friends and I bundled some cash together and passively invested $50,000 in a flip together. I made the introduction between my friends and the operator and assumed responsibility for managing the investment – this role earned me both a higher reward and risk. Long story short – a combination of fraudulent behavior on the operator’s part and insufficiently conservative underwriting on mine, the deal went belly-up and we lost almost all of our equity. 


While it may not be good business to admit such a large failure this fast up front, the truth of the matter is, while expensive, it was a lesson that I needed to learn. From that point on, I chose to never find myself in a position again where adequate due diligence could have prevented such losses.

Over the course of the next few years, I began to gain experience and expertise in underwriting multifamily. I worked my up the chain, eventually going into business consulting with private equity and syndication groups on potential acquisitions. Through that work, I developed a spreadsheet that became well known – for both it’s accuracy and ease – with which it pushed through deal flow.



Between my meetups, masterminds, and reading online, I caught on that I wasn’t alone in the struggle of analyzing deals. People were tired of keeping brokers and sellers waiting while they struggled with a homemade spreadsheet, so, I decided to release MogulTool as an affordable solution to a serious pain point in real estate investing.


I know that you will be able to find immeasurable value in this tool, just as countless other investors have, and appreciate your support and business as I work my way up!

The MogulTeam

Jake Volin

Jake is a professional underwriting consultant and developer/ founder of MogulTool. Jake has underwritten, negotiated, and earned equity in 502 apartments as a general partner and indirectly assisted in the purchase of hundreds more.


Jake is also proud to serve as an active duty USAF officer and enjoys golfing, cooking, and skydiving in his free time. 


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